Seniors Morning Tea
RaWiri Residential Association connected with the elderly home the Auckland Council Seniors home on Inverell Court October 2013. A concept much needed to connect the elderly with RaWiri and bridge the age gap between the ages. Since then the team have formed a lasting relationship and friendship between the "Youngsters". The team continues to meet with the seniors monthly and have remembered how a few of the seniors prefer their coffee.
The First morning tea was set up in their courtyard with joint attendance by the Neighbourhood Policing Team. Many of the seniors hadn't met their neighbors and this provided an opportunity for them to get to know their neighbors and build a strong unity among each other. We had a few sceptics about the concept idea, but they have now become regular attenders and made lasting friendships with her neighbors.
Seniors Morning Teas are held The last Friday of the month 9.30am - 11am
Seniors Morning Teas 2021
Our first Elderly morning tea for 2021.
Our highlights of the morning where seeing everyone safe and healthy.
Jean and Noel whom have moved to a retirement village also got transported over to us thank you burpa.
We hold this on the last Friday of the month at the Wiri Hall, 9.30am - 11am everyone is welcome to come and have a cuppa and a chat.
Stay Safe, Look out for each other, see you's all next month.
Seniors Morning Teas 2020
January - November
January 2020.
Morning Tea with our Elderly held at the Wiri Hall the last Friday of every month, awesome turn out today, it’s taken us 6 years to be able to get them all around the table and work together on issues that arose during this time, they are a force to be recon with when they work together..
Next month is going to be interesting they want to play housie, will keep you's updated on the outcome.
Anyone is welcome to attend 9.30am - 11.30am.
Stay safe, Look after each other..
February 2020.
Morning tea with our Elderly this morning over @ Wiri Hall.
We had a few away today not well, had other commitments. See you's all next month.
Stay Safe, Look after each other.
31 July 2020.
First Elderly morning tea since Lock Down, this happens the last Friday of every month.
Stay Safe, Look after each other
November 2020.
Today we had morning tea with our Elderly over at the Wiri hall.
As always a lot of fun and laughter, today’s focus was making sure they all had a medical alarm positive outcome.
Our last morning tea for the year is December 2020.
Stay Safe, Look out for each other, see you's all on the 18th.
Seniors Morning Teas 2019
Morning tea with our Elderly this morning, as the weather hasn’t been good we weren’t expecting a good turn out, But they did & this is 1 of the reasons why we do what we do.
Welcome to our couples, definitely a lot conversation, laughter & joking going around.
See you's all next month.
Stay Safe, Stay warm, Look after one another.
Seniors Morning Teas 2018
January - December
May 2018 - A huge Thank you to Gaelle and Heather for helping out with morning tea with our Elderly this morning.
This event happens the last Friday of every month we have been doing this for over 3 years know, and without volunteers support we would not be able to achieve this.
The weather wasn’t the greatest, but it didn’t stop them from coming to have a cuppa and a chat.
Stay Healthy, Stay Warm see use all again next month.
Would also like to Thank WIRI LICENSING TRUST whom have been sponsoring this kaupapa for the last 3 years.
Seniors Morning Teas 2017
February - December
Seniors Morning Teas 2016
and Xmas Brunch
2016 is set to be another fun year with the Elderly and we enjoy each Friday we get to spend with the team. A few members have joined us from Alfriston court in the hope to start a group of their own there. We look forward to alot of laughs with you all.
Seniors Morning Teas are scheduled for 2016;
February 26th
March 16 - Easter Eggs-change
April 29th - Anzac Day Special
May 27th -
June 24th
July 29th
August 26th
September 30th
October 28th
November 25th
December 16th - Xmas Brunch Break up
Seniors Morning Teas 2015
2015 was another great year with the Elderly.
We unfortunately had a few pass within the year which our team will dearly miss.
A few are pictured and fond memories remain in our hearts.
Seniors Morning Teas 2014
In 2014 we unfortunately had a few of our seniors pass, they are sadly missed by the other seniors and our staff. New seniors have moved into the area and have started forming lasting friendships with their new neighbours.
Seniors Xmas Brunch/ RaWiri Community Mural 2014
December 2013
November 2013
The selection of food and Our youngest attendee
October 2013
The few that arrived early for scones, churros, choc brownies and more...
The tea and coffee makers
and the conversation begins...
The Youngsters and Wiri Neighbourhood Policing Team - October